General Fursuit Care Instructions

Fursuits require regular care, especially after wearing. To ensure that your fursuit still looks (and smells!) good even after a long time, you should definitely consider some guidelines.

First and foremost, it’s highly recommended to wear proper undergarments while wearing the suit. Personally, I use Underarmour’s HeatGear. This sportswear cools a bit and absorbs sweat quite well. Completely soaked fur is not pleasant. If you’ve sweated in the suit, you should disinfect it and let it air out soon after wearing. And don’t forget to brush the fur! A pet brush is best suited for this, as it doesn’t tug on the fur as strongly.


You’ll need a spray bottle and isopropyl alcohol. For the best disinfection results, the isopropyl alcohol should be reduced to 60% to 70%, which means filling the rest with distilled water. A higher concentration poses the risk that the alcohol evaporates too quickly, not killing all bacteria. I would advise against using Febreze or similar disinfectants. These contain numerous other chemicals, especially fragrances, to which many people now react allergically. Isopropyl alcohol is available in various mixing ratios, so have a look around to avoid having to mix it yourself. If you’d like, you can add a few drops of essential oil, but please make sure it’s skin-friendly to avoid allergic reactions. A few drops are sufficient.

For the hand and feet paws, a few sprays are enough. The body suit requires a bit more care. Here, you should only spray the inside of the suit, but pay special attention to areas like the armpits. If you want to be thorough, you can also turn the suit inside out (with the inner side facing out), so you can spray everything evenly. If your suit has airbrushing (we will let you know), you should be very cautious and avoid those areas, as isopropyl alcohol can dissolve the colors.

For the head: Never spray the eyes! The 3D base itself is not sensitive, but you should cover the eyes and any other technology like fans with paper towels before spraying. Then you can spray the interior. Alternatively, you can soak a paper towel with the disinfectant and wipe the interior with it.

If you follow these tips, you’ll continue to enjoy your suit for many years, and that’s what matters most! 🙂