Cookie Policy

I. Description and Scope of our Cookies

1. We use so-called “cookies” on our website. Cookies are small text files that contain certain data about your visit (e.g., on our website). These text files are automatically created by your browser and temporarily stored on your end device when you visit our site. When our website is accessed again from the same device, your browser sends the content of the cookies back to us, allowing us to recognize you. Cookies do not cause any harm to your end device, nor do they contain viruses, trojans, or any other harmful software. The cookie stores information related to the specific end device being used. However, this does not mean that we directly obtain knowledge of your identity.

The following cookies are set and stored until automatically deleted without any action on your part:

Name of the Cookie



Set by the Polylang plugin for WordPress-operated websites to store language settings for viewing the website.

Storage duration

1 year

Type of Cookie/Provider

Permanent or protocol cookie (technical)

2. The purpose and our legitimate interest in using cookies are to automatically recognize your return visit to our site, so we can identify that you have already visited us and remember the inputs and settings you made. This helps you avoid re-entering them, making your use of our website more convenient.

We do not use cookies on our website to draw conclusions about your identity. The data is not stored together with any other personal data related to you.

3. Cookies serve various functions. Temporary cookies like the “pll_language” cookie remain stored on your end device for a certain period beyond your visit to our website to optimize user-friendliness during your next visit, unless you delete them yourself or your web browser automatically clears them. When you revisit our site to use our services, the “pll_language” cookie automatically recognizes that you have visited us before and remembers your language settings, so the website appears in the language you prefer for an optimal website experience.

Numerous cookies, such as the “pll_language” cookie, are technically necessary as certain website functions would not work without them (in the case of the “pll_language” cookie, displaying the website in the language you selected). Technically necessary cookies are set by us based on Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR, unless another legal basis is indicated. We have a legitimate interest in storing cookies for the technically flawless and optimized provision of our services.

We do not use other cookies to analyze user behavior or display advertisements (analytics or marketing cookies) on our website.

II. Managing Cookies in Your Browser

Of course, you can generally view our website without cookies. You can disable the acceptance of cookies through your browser settings and delete already stored cookies at any time in your browser. However, completely deactivating cookies may result in you not being able to use all functions of our website. The following links provide information on this possibility for the most commonly used browsers: